Biodiversity in Iberian montages: Marvel at the flora that helps us conserve it

The Iberian montanes are unique ecosystems in the Iberian Peninsula, that house a great biological diversity. In these landscapes there are various types of Mediterranean vegetation that are not only beautiful, but they also play a fundamental role in the conservation of the region's biodiversity..

  1. Description of the Iberian montanes and their biodiversity
  2. Flora as an ally in the conservation of biodiversity
  3. Importance of conservation practices
  4. Conclusions

Description of the Iberian montanes and their biodiversity

The Iberian montanes are areas of Mediterranean forest that extend across the south of the Iberian Peninsula., mainly in Portugal and Spain. These ecosystems are characterized by the presence of holm oaks and cork oaks., emblematic trees of the region.

The biodiversity of the Iberian montanes is extraordinary, since they are home to a wide variety of animal and plant species. These ecosystems are refuges for emblematic species such as the Iberian lynx., the Iberian imperial eagle and the black vulture, that depend on the richness of flora present in the area for their survival.

Flora as an ally in the conservation of biodiversity

The flora in the Iberian montanes is essential for the conservation of the biodiversity of the region. Different plant species provide habitat and food for a variety of animal species, including those threatened. Plant diversity also helps maintain the ecological balance of the ecosystem.

Among the characteristic flora of the Iberian montanes are the mastic., the strawberry tree and the heather. These plants not only play a vital role in the conservation of animal species, but they are also beautiful and contribute to the beauty of these landscapes.

Importance of conservation practices

The conservation of Iberian mounties requires sustainable management practices. Conservation efforts focus on guaranteeing the survival of the animal and plant species that inhabit this ecosystem.. Activities such as reforestation are carried out, control of invasive species and protection of natural habitats.

It is essential to carry out constant research and monitoring to better understand the needs of the species and their habitat.. This information allows for the implementation of more effective conservation measures adapted to the characteristics of the Iberian mounts..

Besides, Responsible tourism in the Iberian mountains plays an important role in the preservation of these ecosystems. Promoting ecotourism and respect for nature raises awareness about the importance of conserving biodiversity and contributes economically to the protection of Iberian montanes..


The biodiversity of the Iberian montanes is invaluable and its conservation is essential to guarantee the survival of many species. Flora plays a key role in this conservation, providing habitat and food for animal species and contributing to the beauty of these landscapes.

It is everyone's responsibility to value and support the protection of Iberian horses.. So, We will be able to ensure the continuity of these unique ecosystems and preserve the biodiversity they house..

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